Friday, December 28, 2007


Some years a go I had a picture so vivid in my mind I remember where I was sitting it was July 2001 and I was sitting on the floor in was hot I was wearing a Salwar and got this picture.... it was a girl that was at the top of a slide she was afraid to go down she was afraid to take the adventure that was in front of her....what if daddy was not there to catch her, what if she went so fast that he couldn't catch her.... she took a deep breath and went... while she was going down she thought this is actually fun but yet was afraid her daddy was not going to catch her.. she landed and realized that her daddy was standing right there and she was just fine..... it just took faith to believe and to take a step... TRUST!!! Today I guess that picture is coming to past... I am afraid as I am going down the sliced YET I know that my daddy is right there......
I have a horrible "Mexico Cold" it happens every time I come here...last time was over my birthday :( ... I slept for 4 hrs today I must be tired ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Faby you look beautiful!!!!
What are you up to? give me a call sometime...

12:17 PM  

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