Sunday, June 07, 2009

The simpllicity....

Here I am after a week well should say really a day (Friday) when I was moved by the tears of the greatest at least thats how we place them .... so much to realized that the greatest are often man of greater failures .. "seven times the righteous will fall and seven times he will stand up" I was deeply touched by the humility of those who have made mistakes and God has lifted them up. I was touched by the gentleness of the greatest to deal with sin and with shame I was touched but I was deeply convicted... deeply convicted of those times when my heart is so full of judgement that forgets the simplicity of Grace and acceptance!

Have thoughts this week many thoughts ... thought about the thousand things that steal the simplicity of loving Jesus the details, the work duties, the people, the looks, the talks, the budget, the noise of people, the noise of competition, and jelousy... and be on time and write it down and.........

There is so much in my heart to think... The future, the people, the poorest, the outcast, the forgotten....... The simplicity of loving Jesus without the religious schedule and requirements that many times puts my heart in prison.......