Wednesday, January 07, 2009


This song express my feelings in this last days... THE VOICE OF TRUTH!!!! THE SWEET TRUTH!!!!

I Will choose to listen to the sweet voice of truth!!


Thursday, January 01, 2009


Highlights of this year 2008................

Saw the Allegrettos family... that was fun!!!
Stayed in a Hotel in Dallas all alone for the first time....
When to the Kowloon park for the first time...

A cold winter....
In love with Michael Buble...
Hidding dates in Central & Pacifi coffee...
February 10.... Someone said "I love you too much to not..."
Februray 14.... Frank asked me to be in HIS LIFE.......

I was given roses........ pretty one
Slept in the 29th floor in a room with glass walls overlooking the HK harbor..
I broke someone's heart :( and mine at the same time...
PADTS 2008...the hardest school I've ever lead...

MMmm.....dont remember much of this month...

Roses and more roses......
Frank told me he wanted to buy a very surprised!!
Sichuan eartquake....He left for a week that felt like months....
Lots of text messages...

First time I don't go on PADTS outreach....
Saturday June 14th, got engaged in the HOPE Well center building in the floor 66
I realized God is good and I love Frank more and more.....

I left to Thailand for outreach with Vane....
Spent 3 cool days in Bangkok....
Went to Sri Lanka for the firt time.....

I went to Beijing for the meetings
The Olympics in CHINA
I Was in CHina AUGUST 8th.....

I went to Kona, Hawaii
Met all this cool people inclufing Darlene & Loren Cunningham
Drove in US soil again....
Talk to Frank for 4 hrs one day...amazing!!
IPM Started....

Frank came back from Sichuan...
I learned to dance Cha Cha Cha...
I was given a poem a beautiful poem....
I learned the pain of forgiveness....
I learned the sometimes tears are beautiful...
I choose a place for a wedding reception....

I choose a wedding dress....
I saw a beautiful wedding band....
I Went to Korea....
We got a new flat with a big roof....
We got a new amazing oven.....

I got my wedding dress....
I was in the kitchen....
I choose how to decorated the bathroom... and loved it....
I got many many gifts.....
Many good talks with Frank........
I got a beautiful wedding band....
IT got stuck on my finger.......
I was mad and took it hurted.....
I realized I am blessed to not be alone I have people that loves me and respects me and believes in me!!!

GOD?????????????????????????????????????? HE IS ALWAYS THERE and CONTINUE TO BE???
THERE, HERE....................................
2009???????????????????????? Scary............Exciting.........unknown........Lovely!