Wednesday, March 22, 2006

me, I and Myself!!

Some random picture someone took of me.... this week I am phisically exhausted and mentally tired... so many things to think about and work to do.. I don't want to think about the future just to think about that makes me tired...ugrrrr... any way the beach is nice!! ^^

More later,


Saturday, March 18, 2006


Love is a funny thing..more than a hug or a feeling or something that makes you do the most stupid things, more than a look in the eyes, or a kind hand.... Love is much more than that.

More later,

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Have you ever asked how does your heart looks like? well... many people would say is red..etc... my heart today has funny feelings and a deep desire to pray!!

and it probably will have a smile... ^^
We will se what the future holds!

More later...

Friday, March 10, 2006


One more week has gone by.... sigh.... lots of homework, book reports, and love feast where we have to dress up like crazy to get in... yeah... that's my life for now here among the many koreans, noticed for my expressions I"m becoming like one of them ^^ peace and love sign.. ..
the funny thing is that I am loving every minute of it, pray for the other foreigner she is not having as much fun!! ....... Was sick at the beggining of week with some weird virus but doing better.... I will make mey prayer project in Hong Kong...very happy about that... ^^ miss tacos and a good steak sounds wonderful....
Hiram...Miss you!! ^^

Monday, March 06, 2006

From Me....

Time is going quickly here and the weather thank God is changing.... getting warm.... which I am glad and my body is too ^^ I like it here even though sometimes is quite challenging... I do like it. Many people ask how is my time in korea and it's hard to describe.... this are some of the words that come to my mind: Exciting, challenging, frustrated, REST, wondering, lovely, caring, hospitable, uncomfortable, GOD, prayer, worship, passion, eating, alone, water, INTIMACY, crazy thoughts, love, marriage, FUTURE, not enough, VISION, reality, GODLINESS..... there are many thoughts and feelings that is hard to explain how my hearts feels to be here but one thing I know I feel FREE like I haven't in a long time....

More later..